Martin Flack is a certified calling coach who wants to help you find the excitement of mapping your own calling timeline. The Calling Journey process helps you chart the mountaintops, transitions and valleys of your own journey.
Ponder the path of your feet that your way may be established.
In light of the verse above, deeply considering where you have walked is a key to being established in God and his call. By doing so, you can discover how to meet God in your season with the perspective offered by the universal patterns God has used with others.
Calling journey coaching can help you:
Martin's personal coaching has a pastoral aspect for many of his clients. With his background in the inner healing ministry, he is passionate about helping people live confidently in the freedom of God's unconditional love and strength. He was certified as a Life Coach with Life Forming Leadership Coaching, with additional training through Coach22, The Center for the Advancement of Christian Coaching and Truth Coaching.
These are some of the areas where I coach with the greatest impact:
Martin is a certified coach trainer who has team-taught in the Bethel School of Ministry (BSSM) of Redding, CA for the last four years. His teaching style is authentic, passionate and inspiring. He travels and leads workshops in the following courses:
Martin has 30 years experience in full-time ministry as a staff pastor. In addition, he has been a successful business manager for over 25 years, managing a greenhouse in Alaska and an audio-visual sound system company in Georgia.
Martin and his wife Mollie have been married for 36 years and live in Wasilla, Alaska, where they have a small ranch and love to spend time riding their two Tennessee walking horses. They have three sons and two grandchildren. They attend Northgate Church in Wasilla, Alaska and four to five months each winter in Redding, California, where they attend Bethel Church.